The Governors


Welcome to Keston Primary School and Nursery Governing Body

The role of our Governing Body is to provide a strategic view for the school, ensure accountability and act as a critical friend to the Headship Team. There are many statutory duties placed on the Governing Body which it needs to undertake effectively and efficiently. At the same time, the Governing Body has an important role in supporting the Headship Team as it undertakes the executive management of the School. In our on-going business, we aim to apply as much of our energies and time as possible on activities which add most value to the school community.


Governors are appointed for a period of four years or less. School governors are unpaid volunteers. Nevertheless, being involved with Keston is a rewarding experience, where staff, governors, parents, volunteers and the children themselves are all dedicated to education in its fullest sense. There are parent governor elections whenever we have a vacancy, so if you would like to get involved, please put your name forward.

Members of the Governing Body can be contacted via the school office by letter or by email to the school office address.
Confidential correspondence can be sent to the school office in a sealed envelope marked for the attention of the Chair Of Governors.

Governing Body Membership 2023 - 2024

Aisha Patel Governer ID
Mrs. H Green
Stevens,Mrs Jenni,1764519

Mrs Dipa Patel

Chair of Governors


PACE Academy Trust Director

Aisha Patel

Vice Chair

Trust Appointed Governor

Mrs Helen Green


Mrs Jenni Stevens

Assistant  Headteacher - Trust Appointed Governor

Kevin HArdcastleGOV
IMG_20221012_101037 (1)

Kevin Hardcastle

Trust Appointed Governor

Thomas Robey

Trust Appointed Governor

Felicity Stone

Parent Governor

Maryam Shaheryar

Parent Governor


Michele Agozzino

Staff Appointed Governor


Jenny Fogarty

Trust Appointed Governor

sarah g

Sarah Garner

Trust Appointed Governor