
At Keston, our children are young historians who are curious and knowledgeable about the past. We encourage our children to be inquisitive learners by thinking critically, evaluating evidence and questioning assumptions. They will understand the impact of history on today's word and how this has shaped the word we live in today. Throughout their journey at Keston the children will study a range of British History and aspects of the wider world which is taught through units in each year group. Topics include: The Gunpowder Plot, The Great Fire of London, The Roman Empire, Anglo Saxons and Vikings, The Tudors, WW2, The Windrush and many more. Within units the children's learning is built on previous knowledge and reflects the backgrounds, interests and needs of our community and the changing nature of the world. Lessons promote an enquiry approach, requiring children to investigate and become real historians using their own research.
Our History curriculum provides children with opportunities to:
• Recall key information about significant people and events.
• Make comparisons.
• Use primary and secondary sources to carry out research.
• Ask questions to find out answers.
• Develop chronological understanding.
Diversity is implemented throughout all topics and the children have access to a range of books to promote and celebrate the diverse figures who have made an impact on the world we live in. Every year, the children celebrate Black History Month by taking part in activities related to black historical figures past and present. This is a month where the children can actively investigate and research about influential figures that have made a difference to the world we live in today. Regular trips, visits and workshops enable the children to immerse themselves in historical events and put their knowledge into context.