
Behaviour Policy

2 key principles guide our Behaviour Policy.

1. Everyone will behave in a way that helps their learning and the learning of others.


2. Everyone will act with courtesy and consideration to others in the school environment.

These principles are expressed in ‘Our Code for Good Behaviour’ (appendix 1)

This policy is intended to outline how the agreed school policy on behaviour is translated into action within the school.  Good discipline is based on the principles of consistency, transparency, fairness and firmness.

When pupils come to Regina Coeli Primary school they are here to learn.  Teaching and Learning are the core business of the school.  Learning is in its widest context and not just areas covered by national curriculum.

We believe:

  • We must have high consistent and realistic expectations of our children’s behaviour.
  • We must teach the children how to behave.
  • Self-discipline needs to be learnt and practised.
  • That forgiveness and reconciliation is at the core of our Behaviour Policy.
  • Children must see that the gifts and talents they possess are not just for their own fulfilment, but for the greater good of all.

What helps us to learn?

  • Quiet.
  • Noise levels which are appropriate and assist work and concentration.  
  • Listening patiently and not interrupting.  
  • A pride in work and a determined approach to always do our best.

What helps us to stay safe?

  • Walking and not running.
  • Taking great care on stairs and on the hard playground.
  • Not throwing objects.
  • Avoiding pushing and shoving.
  • Taking special care in physical education and games sessions.
  • Taking particular care on trips and visits.
  • Taking great care on special equipment.
  • Caring for other people and our environment.

What kind of behaviour merits encouragement?

  • Punctuality
  • Good presentation of self and work
  • Achievement
  • Kindness
  • Politeness
  • Care for Others
  • Enthusiasm
  • Appropriate quietness and stillness
  • Respect for property and others.
  • Self control.

Behaviour which is considered unacceptable at Regina Coeli School.

  • * Physical violence of any kind.
  • * Racist comments, jokes or actions against anyone because of their race or background.
  • * Bullying  (see note below)
  • * Stealing & Lying
  • Name calling
  • Persistent disobedience.
  • Answering back to adults.
  • Acts likely to harm others or that put them at risk.
  • Harassment.
  • Any act that breaks the law.

* Issues indicated will be referred directly to the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or Key
   Stage Leader.  Parents will also be informed.

Sanctions are appropriate to age, the action and the severity of the action.

Regina Coeli takes the issue of bullying very seriously.  We believe that bullying takes place if there are ‘persistent words or actions that cause hurt to another’.  A separate policy statement (‘Bullying Policy’) exists and works alongside this Behaviour Policy.  It contains clear definitions and procedures to be followed in cases of alleged bullying.

What is expected of us ALL?

  • We will all work to preserve the good name of Regina Coeli School.
  • We will all be prepared to apologise and make amends if a mistake is made.
  • We will stay calm if there is a dispute and discuss the matter.
  • We shall not shout!
  • We will work together to raise standards of behaviour in the school and ultimately to raise the standards of pupils’ achievements.

What is expected of Teachers?

  • Teachers will act consistently and in line with the Behaviour and Bullying Policy.
  • Teachers will exercise due care and supervision in their classrooms and around the school.
  • Teachers will take all issues of inappropriate pupil and staff behaviour seriously.
  • Teachers will listen when a child talks about their worries and/or concerns.
  • Teachers will ensure the highest quality standard of teaching and behaviour management strategies in their classrooms.
  • Teachers are committed to ongoing professional development on issues of appropriate pupil management.
  • Teachers will work hard to teach positive attitudes and to recognise good behaviour and good work.
  • Teachers will keep a record of occasions when pupils are sent out of the classroom and the reasons why.
  • Teachers will commend pupils when things go well and their behaviour is good.
  • Teachers will follow ‘Our Code for Good Behaviour’.
  • Teachers will report issues of concern to the Key Stage Leader.

What is expected of all Support Staff?

  • Support staff will follow ‘Our Code of Good Behaviour’
  • Support staff will work in partnership with teaching staff to maintain good discipline and keep teaching staff informed of incidents requiring action.
  • Support staff will observe closely the children for whom they are responsible.
  • Support staff will behave in a positive manner at all times.
  • Support staff will listen to all sides in a dispute before coming to a decision.

What is expected of pupils?

  • Pupils will follow ‘Our Code of Good Behaviour’.
  • Pupils will act responsibly.
  • Pupils will tell and adult if something concerns or worries them.
  • Pupils will support each other when things go wrong.
  • Pupils will maintain a high standard of respect and good behaviour.
  • Pupils will accept the outcome of a dispute provided their view has been heard.
  • Pupils will expect to receive an appropriate punishment or sanction when things go wrong.

What is expected of Parents?

  • Parents will support the school policies on Behaviour and Bullying.
  • Pupils will follow ‘Our Code of Good Behaviour’.
  • Parents will sign, annually, the Home-School Agreement.
  • Parents will expect to be informed if their child is behaving poorly.
  • Parents will expect to be involved if there are serious matters to discuss.
  • Parents will support, at home, the moral development and teachings of the school.
  • Parents recognise that the truth is often complex and that, at Regina Coeli, we seek only to establish and act upon the truth.
  • Parents will set a good example for their children.
  • Parents will not encourage physical violence or intimidating behaviour at any time.

What is expected of Governors?

  • Governors will need to monitor behaviour at least termly through the Headteacher report.
  • Governors will need to observe the school behaviour policy in operation by visiting the school in session.
  • Governors will need to hear disputes involving possible exclusion.
  • Governors need to approve the School Behaviour Policy and Bullying Policy at least annually.
  • Governors will take the final decision if permanent exclusion is considered.



  1. In the first instance, the class teacher will apply positive discipline strategies (assertive discipline) to the pupil.  A variety of strategies should be deployed as children respond differently.
  2. If the problem persists the class teacher may include such sanctions as loss of part of break time.  If this occurs the pupil must be supervised by an adult at all times.
  3. The pupil may be sent to another classroom (i.e. partner class) for a ‘cooldown’ period not exceeding 10 minutes before being re-integrated back into their normal classroom.  If this happens twice in a week the child is referred to the Key Stage Leader.
  4. If the above does not improve the situation the pupil will be referred to the Key Stage Leader.  The teacher will provide a written account of why this action was necessary.  The Key Stage Leader will maintain a record of these occasions in a discipline book.
  5. If a child is referred to the Key Stage Leader more than twice in a half term the parents will be contacted and invited to a meeting to discuss the behaviours.  At this stage the Deputy Headteacher will also be involved and will chair this meeting alongside the parents, class teacher and Key Stage Leader.  A record of this meeting and actions proposed will be retained by the Deputy Headteacher.
  6. If following the meeting with parents the pupil is again referred to the Key Stage Leader the pupil will be placed on ‘Headteacher Report’ and the parent informed in writing by the Deputy Headteacher. ‘Headteacher Report’ will be initially for one week with each session monitored by the class teacher and
  7. Deputy Headteacher.
  8. If after all these stages the behaviour patterns of the pupil does not improve or there are incidents of particular seriousness temporary or permanent exclusion will be considered.
  9. Before such a decision is finally taken discussions will take place with Victoria House (Pupil Referral Unit) to gain emergency pupil behaviour support.

Protocol for Lunchtimes

  1. Any incidents of misbehaviour that, in the opinion of the Senior Mid Day Supervisors, cannot be dealt with by using an appropriate playground sanction must be recorded in the Lunchtime Behaviour Book (KS 1 & KS 2)
  2. At the end of lunchtime the child should be returned to the class teacher and the class teacher informed of the incident and the sanction applied.  The incident is not to be dealt with during a teaching session by either the class teacher or Key Stage Leader.
  3. The Lunchtime Behaviour Books will be forwarded daily to the Key Stage Leader who will follow up at an appropriate time (outside lesson time).  This may be at breaktimes or after school or even the next school day.
  4. If the Key Stage Leader is unable to follow up an incident the Lunchtime Behaviour Book should be passed to the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher to follow up within a reasonable timescale i.e. not more than 2 days.
  5. The Lunchtime Behaviour Books will be forwarded to the Deputy Headteacher daily for initialling and to the Headteacher at the end of each week.  This keeps both the Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher ‘in the loop’ on issues and actions.

Sanctions must be appropriate to age of child, the action and the severity of the action.   Sanctions are decided by staff.

Sanctions must not be used if it leads to pupils being excluded from timetabled activities and their entitlement.   Therefore, pupils should not miss out on their physical education programme, swimming, ICT lessons or attending school assemblies.

Reviewed & updated by staff: October 2006              Agreed by Governors:
NEXT REVIEW: November 2007