Our Nursery is part of the primary school and consists of two large bright classrooms with integral toilets and a large outdoor space, including a mud kitchen, digging and allotment area, and a large sand pit.
Our nursery is set within a caring and supportive learning environment, which takes up to 52 children, aged three. We immerse the children in a combination of child led and teacher focused activities and challenges, within both the indoor and outdoor environment, building a lifelong love of learning and nurturing the development of the social skills they need to succeed.
Our aim is for every child at Keston Nursery to benefit from the consistency of teaching and learning routines, to ensure they are best prepared for starting school and beyond. We offer our youngest children the opportunity to learn and develop through play, helping them to feel confident and safe within the school environment. We aim to ensure they are given the best start to their educational journey and are supported with their transition to Reception.
We use an online journal system called Evidence Me to allow parents to access activities and observations of their children's day to day learning and routines. Parents can also comment and share achievements from home.