Music Ideas

At Keston we subscribe to an on-line music learning platform called ‘Charanga’. This exciting resource offers ways in which your child can continue to build on their music skills whilst distance learning.

Mrs Woods and Mrs Cawkwell have put together some guidance as to how this can be accessed from home via the link: :

Years 1 and 2 – Log in is the same as their Lgfl login

  • Click on the world to get started.
  • The first time they log in, they can create an avatar for their ‘musical world’. Some of the activities available have previously been used in class, so the children should be familiar with the format and contents.

 Years 3 – 6 – Log in is your child’s first name then surname (all lowercase with no gaps) followed by “kps”.  Password is your child’s class – all lower case

username      fredboggskps
password       rosen 

Each week your class will have an uploaded lesson to follow in the assignments section e.g. lesson 1.  Open up the assignments to join in the activity.

There are song banks to use and if your child plays an instrument e.g. recorder, piano, guitar, they can access these areas to keep practising.

If there are any queries, you can message Mrs Woods or Mrs Cawkwell via the school office.