Information on Applications for Admission to Reception in September 2021
eAdmissions Letter - click here
eAdmissions Leaflet - click here
The children enter the school full time during the autumn term of the academic year in which they will be five years old.
All applications for the school are processed through the Local Authority(LA) and not directly with the school.
Please click the link for access to the medical form in support of the application where required.
Outlined below are Keston Primary Schools admission information for both the school and the nursery. Please click on the link below for the policies.
Appeals Timetable in accordance with the School Admissions Appeal Code 2012
Academy Primary admission appeals to be heard between 10 June 2021 and 23 July 2021 (new dates will be available)
a) Deadline for Lodging Appeals: 21 May 2020. Appeal forms received within the deadline (21 May 2021) will be heard between 10 June and 23 July 2021. (i.e. within 40 school days of the deadline)
b) appellants will receive at least 10 school days notice of their appeal hearing date.
c) appellants must submit their additional evidence and the admission authority to submit
their evidence at least 12 school days prior to the hearing date.
d) wherever possible decision letters will be sent to appellants within 5 school days of
the hearing, or, where multiple appeals for a school are heard on more than one day,within 5 school days of the last hearing day for that school.
Notice date: 22 January 2021
Appeal forms can be found on the local authority website.
Keston Nursery Admission Policy (including sessional care applications)
Closing date for Nursery Applications are 31st January 2021.
To be considered for a place, parents should apply directly to the school by 31st January 2021; places cannot be guaranteed. Application forms should be emailed to the school office
Parents of children who are allocated a place will be notified by the end of March.
Entry to the nursery does not guarantee a place at Keston Primary School
In Year Admissions
Occasionally spaces are available in year groups other than Reception. Please contact the office to enquire about available places.
In year admissions are also processed by the LA:
To view our school brochure please contact the school office